Prof.Tiantian XuSpeech Title: Motion control of magnetically actuated microrobots towards targeted therapy Abstract: Untethered, wirelessly controlled microrobots have a broad application prospects for the bioengineering due to their small scales. Multiple small-scale robots enable cooperation and increase the operating efficiency. However, independent control of multiple magnetic small-scale robots is a great challenge, because the robots receive identical control inputs from the same external magnetic field. We propose a novel strategy of completely decoupled independent control of magnetically actuated flexible swimming millirobots. The strategy is verified by experiments of independent position control of up to four millirobots and independent path following control of up to three millirobots with small errors. Then, we propose an adaptive leader-follower formation control of two magnetically actuated millirobots with heterogeneous magnetization and achieved an autonomous navigation in confined environments. Bio of lecturer: Tiantian Xu is currently a Professor in Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. She received the Ph.D. degree at University of Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris, France. Her research interests are currently focused on magnetic microrobots, soft robots, medical robots, and etc. She has published over 20 IEEE Transactions papers, including TRO, T-cyber, TMECH, TASE, 6 of them are ESI high cited papers. She has received the NSFC excellent young scholar in 2020, the best application paper award in IROS2019, and the Second Prize of Wu Wenjun Natural Science of Artificial Intelligence in 2021 as first author, CAA Young Scientist. She is associate editor for TRO, TASE and RAL. |