Prof.Wlodzislaw Duch
Wlodzislaw Duch
is the head of the Neurocognitive Laboratory in the Center of Modern Interdisciplinary Technologies, and the Neuroinformatics and Artificial Intelligence group in the University Centre of Excellence Dynamics, Mathematical Analysis and Artificial Intelligence at the Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toru¨½, Poland. PhD in theoretical physics/quantum chemistry (1980), postdoc at the Univ. of Southern California, Los Angeles (1980-82), D.Sc. in applied math (1987). President of the European Neural Networks Society executive committee (2006-2008-2011), Fellow of the International Neural Network Society (2013), and the Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association (2022), Expert of the European Union science programs, member of the high-level expert group of European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT). Worked in the School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University (2003-07, 2010-12 as the Nanyang Visiting Professor). Visiting professor at the University of Florida; Max-Planck-Institute, Munich, Germany, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Meiji and Rikkyo University in Japan, and several other institutions. He is/was on the editorial board of IEEE TNN, CPC, NIP-LR, Cognitive Neurodynamics, Journal of Mind and Behavior, and 16 other journals; published over 380 peer-reviewed scientific papers, has written or co-authored 6 books and co-edited 21 books, and published about 300 conference abstracts and popular articles on diverse subjects. In 2014-15 he served as a deputy minister for science and higher education in Poland. His DuchSoft company has made in 1990 the GhostMiner data mining software package, for many years marketed by Fujitsu.
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